Quantum Approaches

Group photo of the researchers collaborating on the Quantum Approaches project.

Who We Are

Quantum Approaches Addressing Global Threats is a research project led by Christian Binek, Charles Bessey Professor of physics and director of the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience, and Susan Hermiller, Willa Cather Professor of Mathematics, that will use quantum approaches to address climate resilience and sustainable energy. While the basis of the project is using quantum science to model, plan, predict, and engineer solutions to solve global problems, the team is incorporating diverse perspectives and unconventional problem-solving strategies to understand the challenges and opportunities fully. 

Binek and Hermiller will lead a highly interdisciplinary team of 22 faculty that will leverage the rapidly growing field to address major global threats. Faculty experts from mathematics, physics and astronomy, public relations, mechanical and materials engineering, biological and systems engineering, computer science, chemistry, emerging media arts, and music have been fully integrated into the project, which received a five-year, $4.17 million award from the Grand Challenges initiative.

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Acknowledgement Text

“This work is supported by the UNL Grand Challenges catalyst award entitled Quantum Approaches addressing Global Threats.